What Is Hershey Park?

Could it be both?

After visiting many parks in the USA and , now, Australia, I have started to ponder the differences between the two.

Is it Hershey Park theme park or Hershey Park amusement park?

To really answer it, let’s go back to the beginning. Milton Hershey created the park for a place for his employees to relax and enjoy various activities.

Could not find any “themes” in the history books!

Every year since then, the park has expanded to include more and more attractions.

Along the line, they segregated the park into distinct “areas” or themes. My opinion is that the themes were pretty loosely used. One or two rides doesn’t make a theme.

in 1983, Hershey expanded the park and called that section Pioneer Frontier. The timber rattler and dry gulch railroad were two popular rides. But, the area never was really, “themed” in my mind.

Busch Gardens, VA – England

For comparison, I look to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg VA. This park is really a true theme park. The themes are countries in Europe, France, Germany, etc. Beyond the rides in each area, the food, fun, and attractions all contain things that really happen in those countries.

Take for example the England theme in Busch Gardens – pic to the right. They do not have any rides in this themed area, but all the decorations, shops, and food is geared for England. The theme is meant to evoke a feeling like you are in that country…and it does for me. I’ve been to Busch Gardens about 7 times starting way back in 1978 till 2015.

In conclusion, Hershey Park is 90% amusement and 10% theme in my opinion.

Either way, it’s a great time and everybody can get Hershey Park Happy!

