The First Looping Roller Coaster – SooperDooperLooper

July 4, 1977, a fitting day for a roller coaster opening…in my mind anyway! But what more could you expect from a 15 year old that was crazy about coasters and lived less than 2 hours from Hershey Park, the sweetest place on earth?

This was the first looping steel coaster in the USA. In about 1998, I found out that my ten father in law helped build the coaster and was one of the first riders. How cool would that be?

I rode the coaster in it’s first year and the line was never shorter than 2 1/2 hours. I cannot believe that I actually waited that long for a ride that was less than 2 minutes! But it was well worth it.

The site of the coaster is in comet holl0w and runs along Spring Creek. I still remember the miniature golf course that used to be there. Those were good days! Now, in 2018, you rarely have to wait over 1/2 hour, unless you want the front seat.

I’m a bit picky about where I ride on a coaster depending on the type. A wooden coaster with some bunny hops in it will warrant seat 5 – the most air time. On the SooperDooperLooper, the front and back seat are the best. The front gives a great view going into the loop and, as always, is an exciting ride. The back seat gives an interesting look at everyone else while going through the loop and is a great whipping around the corners.

Hopefully, Hershey Park will not get rid of this icon anytime soon. Even though you have more exciting coasters in the park, this is still a great ride!

Enjoy the video and gallery!



Sooperdooperlooper     HP SooperDooperLooper